Horoscope Content

The Internet and Smartphone technology continue to enjoy an explosion in growth as consumers increasingly seek sources of information on-demand, rather than just through print.  And even print is now more readily available rendered for iPad or Kindle, or other similar generic devices. Social media, is also another incredibly vibrant arena.

Astrology Enterprises Limited has been finely attuned to these changes and have developed what we believe, to be the finest XML/RSS/HTML/WAP/SMS Horoscopes Feeds and associated Multimedia Services available.

Why should this be? Let’s take a quick look at current availability….

Horoscope Feeds are often fed into websites on one single page that features the Daily Horoscopes in a long drop from Aries through to Pisces – the 12 zodiac signs.

We can provide the content to you in this way too, but we also give you the option to create a page for each zodiac sign, which helps you to promote adds on, such as our Love Horoscopes, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly content. Importantly, this also enables you to drive up your page impressions - essential for most serious marketers.

What makes Astrology Enterprises Horoscope Feeds different?

In contrast, we offer a complete package that enables websites to have the greatest amount of choice of horoscopes, horoscopes that consumers really want to read.

Secondly, our add-ons such as our brilliant XML Three Card Tarot further boost the potential to reach daily visitors, and to drive up both visitor numbers and page impressions.

Further more, our Audio, Video, and Premium Rate Live Pyschic Services, help you to build a portal with compelling editorial, but which can be monetized.

To further assist your marketing, we offer Twitter and SMS  Mini Horoscope Prompts, which will help you to drive additional traffic to your main website.

And do be wary of XML Horoscope Feed options where you have to buy additional services in order to get the content itself, ones which only produce sales on the back of very high volumes. Our strategy is designed to help you achieve those volumes in the first place!

Our service is based on very high quality Branded or White label content, brilliant for driving sponsorship and advertising income, as well as sales for Live Psychic Services which is what consumers really want. And you have the comfort of knowing that some of the leading astrology writers in the world, are writing and providing your content.

And we think it is vital you have horoscope pages, that look like they are your pages, not our pages within your site. This is a very busy, highly competitive market place, and it's important to look original and be innovative.

So, to conclude, we believe the high quality of our writing, the reliability of our service and our on-going support in achieving your goals, will give you an outstanding chance of success with your project.

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